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Liquid Fence HG-71126 Ready-to-Use Deer Rabbit Repellent Spray, 1 Quart
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Liquid Fence HG-71126 Ready-to-Use Deer Rabbit Repellent Spray, 1 Quart

Product ID: 460438897
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Homeowners, gardeners, professional landscapers and commercial growers have discovered Liquid Fence(R) Deer & Rabbit Repellent Ready-to-Use2 works to stop deer and rabbit damage. Unlike other deer and rabbit repellents that require the animals to browse to be effective, Liquid Fence(R) Deer & Rabbit Repellent Ready-to-Use works on scent, so deer and rabbits don't even have to take a bite to be repelled. Because the animals' natural aversion to this scent will never diminish, this product does not have to be rotated with other repellent brands.Deer prefer to feed on the flowers, stems and leafy green foliage of tall plants (although they'll eat wilted vegetation in a pinch), which is why well-tended home gardens are so tempting during the dry summer and frozen winter months. They're adaptive feeders, but they particularly enjoy:- Tender green plants and shrubs, including geraniums, tulips, roses, azaleas, clover, holly and elderberry.- Nuts, including acorns (from oak trees), hickory nuts and pecans.- Fruits, including apples, strawberries, cherries and persimmons.- Garden crops, including potato plants, lettuce, beans, broccoli and wheat.Rabbits are opportunistic herbivores that eat pretty much any type of plant. They typically avoid strongly scented and hairy-textured plants, but even those can be susceptible to damage if temperatures get cold enough and food is in short supply. Wild rabbits particularly enjoy:- Grassy green vegetation, including Kentucky bluegrass, clover, alfalfa, Timothygrass, crabgrass, plantain, chickweed and dandelion.- Fruits, including apples, berries and pears.- Garden crops, including root vegetables, broccoli and cauliflower. Liquid Fence Deer And Rabbit Repellent Ready-To-Use2, 32 oz REPELS DEER AND RABBITS: Deer and rabbits don't have to eat vegetation for the repellent to be effective. They have a natural aversion to the scent. SPRAY ON PLANTS: Use to treat landscaped ornamental gardens, flowers, shrubs, trees and vines. RAIN RESISTANT: Ready-to-use liquid formula starts to work immediately. HARMLESS TO PLANTS AND ANIMALS: Won't harm plants and animals when used and stored as directed. APPLY YEAR-ROUND: No need to rotate with other repellent brands. Animals natural aversion to Liquid Fence Deer & Rabbit Repellent Ready-to-Use2 will never diminish. Deer Repellent Rabbit Repellent

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Perfect platform for hard-to-find items. Delivery was prompt.

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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